On Thursday, August 22 at Franklin’s Lotz House Museum, the Franklin Civil War Round Table co-sponsored “Dinner on the Battlefield and a Twilight Tour of the Franklin Battlefield” with American icon Ed Bearss. A capacity crowd enjoyed a wonderful Southern supper and an opportunity to tour the battlefield encompassing The Lotz House, Cotton Gin, and Carter House. Mr. Bearss’ comments about the Battle of Franklin and his observations about local preservation efforts were presented with his unique grace and style.
Mr. Bearss is Chief Historian Emeritus at the National Park Service, a World War II veteran and is considered by many to be the “father” of the modern day battlefield preservation movement. The Smithsonian recognized him in 2005 as one of thirty-five people who have enriched our lives over the last quarter century. He is truly a “living legend” and aleading voice telling the story of the American past.
The Franklin Civil War Round Table was proud to co-sponsor this event. We thank JT Thompson, Susan Andrews Thompson and The Lotz House staff for allowing us to be a part of this great night!