Franklin Civil War Round Table members are invited to participate in an on-site tour of the Parkers Crossroads battlefield, Saturday, April 13th. This is a special event sponsored by the FCWRT. Our friends with the Tennessee Valley Civil War Round Table (Huntsville) will also be participating.
There will be a caravan leaving from the new Franklin Drury Hotel (McEwen Drive) parking lot at 10:00 that morning. It is about a two hour drive to the park or almost exactly 100 miles. This should leave you plenty of time to grab lunch somewhere along the way. The directions are simple. Drive towards Memphis on Interstate 40 and get off exit 108. Turn left (south) and you will see the Visitor’s Center in about a fourth of a mile. We will gather at the Visitor’s Center and the tour begins at 1:00 PM. There are a couple of fast food businesses at exit 108 and prior.
The December 31, 1862 battle resulted in a Confederate victory and was one of General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s biggest successes in West Tennessee. There are several very interesting sites of the battle that are well preserved.
The tour will be led by Tennessee State Representative Steve McDaniel who was instrumental in leading the efforts to save the almost 350 acres of battlefield now interpreted. The tour is expected to go from 2-3 hours.